Wednesday 11 April 2012


Easter eggs are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime. Easter eggs are common during Eastertide as they symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus.[1][2][3] Though an egg appears to be like the stone of a tomb, a bird hatches from it with life; similarly, the Easter egg, for Christians, is a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave, and that those who believe will also experience eternal life.

And if you want some funny ideas, have a look at this video!

Friday 8 April 2011

Bandera del Reino Unido

La bandera del Reino Unido (denominada Union Flag; Bandera de Unión o Union Jack) es una combinación de las cruces de los santos patronos de Inglaterra, de Escocia y de Irlanda del Norte, tres de las cuatro regiones que, con Gales, forman el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte. La cruz roja sobre fondo blanco del centro es la de San Jorge, de Inglaterra. El aspa blanca sobre fondo azul es la cruz de San Andrés, de Escocia. Y el aspa roja sobre fondo blanco es la cruz de San Patricio, de Irlanda. Es, dada la absoluta hegemonía inglesa en el Reino Unido, muy comunmente confundida con la bandera de Inglaterra.
Para saber más....puedes hacer click aquí si quieres la información en inglés.

Y por si queréis un poquillo de música ambiental, aquí tenéis unos acordes del himno "no oficial" británico.

¿Y qué os parece echar un vistazo a los souvenirs más típicos que podéis traer de regalito?

Bueeeeeno,esto ha sido todo, me ha costado trabajo pero el esfuerzo ha valido la pena (al menos para mí).
Gracias por todo Lola.


I wanted to go to London with my family but it was soooooooooo expensive!!! We were about to quit but in the end we decided to go abroad anyway... ;)

At least it was England, wasn´t it?

Monday 4 April 2011


 James Hillier Blount[1] (Tidworth, Wiltshire, Inglaterra, 22 de febrero de 1974) conocido artísticamente como James Blunt, es un cantautor de origen británico que alcanzó la fama en el 2005 con su álbum debut Back to Bedlam y su sencillo «You're Beautiful». Su estilo es una mezcla de géneros musicales que incluyen: pop, rock y folk con un matiz acústico.
To know more...

Thursday 24 March 2011


With no doubts, London is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Everybody wants to come to London to see Big Ben and Nelson's column, visit Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey, walk across Tower Bridge and climb to the top of St. Paul. This largest city of Europe perfectly combines ancient landmarks with modern designs, a stolid British attitude with a multicultural spirit, a coziness of cobblestone lanes with a width of parks and squares.

Monday 14 March 2011


Lovespoon History
The Welsh language - Cymraeg is part of the Celtic family of languages, and remained with the Celtic people when they fled westwards to an area now known as Wales. The fact the welsh language continues today is testimony to the pride of the Welsh nation.

Many customs have also surveyed one being the art of giving Love spoons by the men of Wales - and dates back to the 17th century.

The men who carved the spoons were not the landed gentry, and what ever they lacked in formal education, they made up for in abundance by developing there natural skills and creativity.

Sunday 6 March 2011


Here you can have a glimpse at some of the most popular places to visit in London, one of my favourite cities!